Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blessings and Second Birthdays.. Where Does The Time Go?!

It is 12 o'clock at night... I am dead tired and feeding an angry colicky baby. However, I finally found my cameras usb ( It was where it should have been, so obviously I didn't look there Ha ha) so I need to do the post I have been promising for weeks. Having a baby is hard. Having a colicky baby is even harder. Having a colicky baby and a teething toddler with special needs means Momma is a bit insane and doesn't have time for showers or cleaning the house. Let alone blogging. So sorry, I promise I'll be better once everything settles down!!

Learned to make this deliciousness at young womens.

We miss you Margie!!

Oh my goodness that smile kills me!!

Love her professional pictures. She did such a good job.

The babes!!

Bens side... You can tell by the height difference ha ha

Sean and Deana... Belle was playing with her aunties.

Tim and Adriana

Love them!!

Bestie bomb

My side

The girls love aunt Shirley!!

Friends!! Our girls are all a month apart. Oldest to youngest (left to right)

Aunt Nomie with Gracie

My Darling niece.

Great Grandpa playing with Belle.

My handsome Hubby

I can't believe my baby is two!!