Saturday, June 22, 2013

Still pregnant...

Sorry I have been MIA these last few weeks. We have had a lot going on and it's hard to find time to get somewhere with internet and write a post.

Things of late:

Our car's engine completely died. It is currently in the shop getting 3,000 dollars worth of fixing done. I am so grateful to have been following a budget that allowed us to be able to save up an emergency fund. Being prepared has made this sucky situation very bearable. I know without the emergency fund we would be stressing out a lot right now. I will be sad to see it depleted. We will just have to tighten our budget up again in order to replenish it.

Isabelle is doing really well with her crawling. We are so proud of her. She is also standing while holding things better. She has been off the NG tube for about a month now, but she I still slowly gaining weight. She is almost 22 lbs!! We have had a ton of tests lately and I am hoping we will get some answers from them . She has another MRI scan this Monday. I hate this test. She has to be put under for it. She hasn't had one for over a year. We are going to check and make sure that her myelination is improving and if it is delayed enough to play a big part in her delays or not.

I am now just about 38 weeks pregnant. My belly is massive. I think Gracelyn will be bigger than Isabelle.  My doctor didn't think I would go past 38 weeks. I pray she is right. With my luck, I will still have a couple weeks left. I am pretty miserable at the moment. I am nauseous again, not sleeping, and the baby is pressing on my sciatic nerve. This makes it so that I am unable to walk the majority of the time. I really hope I have her soon. I am doing everything the doctor has suggested!! I guess we'll see. Babies never seem to do what you want them to.

Ben is doing really well at work. He loves being an electrician. It uses both his body and his mind. It's a good fit for him. He also just switched our hive over to a grown up box. Now they will be able to grow and hopefully make us lots of honey next year!! He says they are the most gentle bees. He never puts on gear to check on them and they have never stung him.

Were at my parents so I don't have pictures except the ones we took this weekend. Enjoy :]

Standing so well!!

This girl is obsessed with her tongue.

Her hair is finally long enough for a ponytail!!