These last couple weeks have been stressful to say the least. First Belle got the stomach flu and it was a long few days where she just threw up everything. It slowed down to where she was throwing up once or twice a day and we thought she was getting better. Then the bug hit me out of nowhere and it was really bad. I am used to throwing up from morning sickness, but I just couldn't stop and it was so painful. I went to the hospital the next morning and had to be stuck on iv's and medicine for the day. I felt a lot better after a couple of days and things went back to normal. I was having a really hard time getting Isabelle to eat though and it looked like she was losing weight. She was still throwing up at least once a day as well. On Monday I went to get her up and saw her whole crib was covered in throw up and she was really lethargic so I knew we had to at least take her in to the doctor. Everytime I have taken her to the hospital when she is really sick they never do anything and send her home after a few hours so I decided to take her to the doctor first. When we weighed her we found out she had lost almost 4 lbs or 20 percent of her body weight and was extremely dehydrated and lethargic. That would be bad in any baby, but with a baby with failure to thrive it is really dangerous, so he sent us straight to the hospital. We were admitted pretty quickly and got her started on iv's and medicine. We have now been here a week. It has been really hard. I have been staying at the hospital almost everynight on a hard couch thing in her room which is killer on an 8 month prego body ha ha. My parents have been a big help for Ben and I taking turns watching Belle so we can have a few breaks and shower and relax for a couple hours. Belle is still not eating hardly anything. They have put an ng tube ( a feeding tube that goes from her nose to her stomach) in her to help her get the calories she needs to gain weight. She is a lot more energetic, though not her normal level. We are really hoping to get some answers while we are in here. We need to figure out what the overlying problem is. All of her tests have come back normal so far which is both good and frustrating at the same time. We hope to be out of the hospital sometime this week. Prayers are always welcome :)
Pregnancy note: I am almost 31 weeks now!!! It is flying by. I am getting bigger and more uncomfortable by the week but that is normal. I was having some bad braxton hicks and the baby had some distress so they gave me a shot to help me from going into labor. I am supposed to take it easy which I am trying to do. So hopefully Gracelyn will stay in there until she is good and cooked.
I love him <3 |
That pout kills me. |
My favorite people!! |
We love pizza mart!!! Maybe a little too much ha ha |
She is still darling in a hospital gown and mussy hair. |
Big belly!! |
Those teeth!! |
She is the most cuddly baby!
iv buises.. poor baby |
Still smiley!
Her cute blanket and toys they gave her. |
Uncle Christian |
It's good to hear an update. We're praying that all turns around for your family. Love ya!
ReplyDeleteThat Belle is such a sweet angel. Its hard seeing her sick. I know Heavenly Father is watching out for you guys though. I am praying you get some answers asap! It was great seeing you guys yesterday. We missed you so much!! Love you guys.