The Holidays have come and gone. I don't quite know how it happened. It went by so fast. I am a horrible blogger. That's one of my resolutions this year, to be a better blogger. The girls are growing so fast. Belle is doing good in her therapies. I am praying that she will learn to walk this year. Her eating has gotten worse since an illness a few weeks ago and that is worrisome. I feel like getting a G-tube ( A surgery where a little incision is made in the stomach to insert a tube to the outside where you feed her) is becoming necessary. I worry that she isn't getting the right nutrients. All she will eat is pediasure(chemical soup) and yogurt. Not a healthy diet. I guess we will have to wait and see. The idea of a g-tube terrifies me, and I feel like we would be giving up on her ever being able to eat real food and live a normal life. We have to do what is best for her though. At least she is as happy and sweet as ever though.
Gracie is something else!! Having a delayed child, my idea of what is normal in the area of developmental milestones is not good. According to therapists and doctors as well as friends she is very advanced. She started army crawling about 3 months and was full blown crawling at 4 1/2 months. At 51/2 months she started pulling herself up and a week or so after that she started cruising while standing and holding things. She said Momma at 3-4 mo and she started saying Dadda finally a couple weeks ago (Ben is thrilled). We love this little girl. She really helps push Belle to do more. They are buddies, They crawl around and play with each other. It melts this Momma's heart!! On the other hand she is very much her Mother's daughter. She is an attention hog and wants to be held and cuddled all the time. She is also the biggest eater. I feel like we are feeding her constantly and she wont take a bottle or pacifier whatsoever. She will drink some water out of a sippy cup though which is nice.
In other news Ben and I have started gardening. We want to grow the bulk of our fruits and vegetables eventually. I can't wait to try everything and be able to make the girls food with produce that I know is as pure as can be.
One of my biggest resolutions this year was to become healthy. I want to change the way I eat and be an example to my girls. I want to be strong physically and mentally, and I feel that comes from eating right and exercising. Our bodies are temples and we need to treat them as such. I have been dealing with really bad post partum depression as most people who read this blog knows. I haven't been able to take anything since I am breastfeeding. I also don't want to have to rely on any medication. I have noticed a difference since starting my program last week. It is still hard and it will take time, but I am hoping this will be able to heal my depression as well as get me in shape. I have started the challenge. It is 100% free. She posts a new workout to her you tube channel every day. It is usually only 20 minutes max. As a mom this is one of the biggest things. Everyone can find 20 extra minutes. If anyone wants to start the challenge, its not to late. It is a 90 day challenge. After only 1 week I have already lost a few inches. Its encouraging. I am also eating healthier and cutting my portion sizes which is my biggest challenge. I have decided to start posting pictures to keep myself accountable. It is humiliating and scary, but I want to show that if I can do it anyone can. If you have any questions let me know :)
Our aeroponic system. |
Our rose bush is doing wonderfully. |
That face ha ha. |
Big smiles!! |
Pretty girl <3 |
Cheese!! |
Big standing girl |
Beginning of week 2. |
She crawled up here all by herself. She is literally into everything ha ha!! |
Oh honey I have been bad too! Not feeling well and falling, spraining everything from my hips all the way up to my neck, a contusion and concussion in my head this last Sunday. I love that you are taking care of yourself. It makes me very proud of you, but of course you already know that! I love my girls, and the pictures, but I always want more. You said you were going to post weekly pictures of your results for us to see how you are doing, but all I see is the beginning. On the sad side, your grandpa went in for his biopsy yesterday and his lung collapsed. He is home but they had to put a tube in his lung so he could breath. He goes back in Saturday to see if it will re-inflate by itself. We should find out this Thursday what stage the cancer is and what treatment can be done. Please pray for your "gramps" and even more for your "grams". She has this all on your shoulders and she is very stressed out! I love you kiddo!!!! xoxoxoxo