Thursday, November 21, 2013

Swings and Walks

It's almost Thanksgiving!!! Can you believe it?! I know I can't. I am so excited for the food and family time! I love the Fall. It's almost getting to be the perfect weather. It's been a bit warm for this time of year lately. I can't wait until its cold. Curling up with fuzzy blankets and good book while sipping some hot chocolate is my favorite :). We haven't been up to too much lately. We did get two new tiny (like fit in the palm of my small hand tiny) African Spurred tortoises. We Have one already that we got when we were first married. We love them!! They really are the easiest pets! They do get up to a couple hundred pounds and live a looong time. so they are for life pets and  most likely willed pets! I have been trying to get out with the girls more. I found a great little park nearby and have been taking the girls there. They love the swings! I also love walking to Target. Its a bit far for my taste, but my love of Target and not having a car during the day to get there makes it worth the walk. Plus, walking is so good for your health. Tonight I get to see the Hunger Games!!! I am crazy excited!! Have you seen it? What did you think?

She just loves laying on her baby and giving her loves.. Gracie doesn't seem to mind ha ha.

Luke and Leia!

They fit perfect together


Ben made me the cute planter box and gave me a love pine :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween a 5K and Clean Eating

So I am horrible at blogging. We just got internet after being married for 3 years. We finally caved. So, hopefully I will be better at posting at least once a week. Fall is flying by. Gracie is almost 4 months. Can you believe it?! I sure can't. She is a big ball of personality. She is my "Bi-Polar baby" she is either screaming bloody murder or talking and laughing. I am a bit worried for the terrible twos ha ha. We just love her so much. She is almost sitting, rolls from her back to belly non-stop, then gets really ticked off about being on her belly. Silly baby. She also smiles and "talks" a lot for her age. I think she is going to do everything early. Belle is good. She has been getting colds a lot though, poor baby. I think she likes Gracie. Whenever I have Gracelyn on the floor, Belle goes to her and lies near or on her. It's so cute... when she isn't crawling on her or bellyflopping on her ha ha. Belle is  working hard with her physical therapist every week. She also has vision therapy, and we should be starting feeding therapy soon. Which will be nice. She still only eats pediasures and pureed food both of which I have to hand feed her. It is quite time consuming. Especially when Gracie wants to eat every hour still.

I have started a clean eating lifestyle, and I am loving it. My body is feeling so much better. I also have more energy. What is clean eating? In a nutshell, it is eating whole foods. Getting rid of all processed and packaged foods as much as possible. You have to make most meals and food from scratch, but there are lots of quick and easy recipes. Especially if you like your crockpot as much as I do. I am going to start posting about the good recipes I find. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I have started making my own whole wheat bread. It is divine. So much cheaper and healthier. I use this recipe it is the easiest and quickest I have found. I just subsitute non-sweetened apple sauce for sugar. You can't even taste a difference!!

I also made kale chips today!! They are quite yummy, and nutricious. They really do taste a lot like potatoe chips, I was pleasently surprised!  They did have a slight after taste that I didn't love, but I would take that over wasting a ton of calories on real chips. I just searched out a recipe on pinterest. I used this one. Quick and simple. . There are a lot of fun seasoned ones to try as well. I am thinking bbq flavored :] Mmmm

I just completed my first 5k!!! It was one of the funnest things I have ever done. It was an ROC race. I did it with my Bestie Deana and her sister Andrea. For more on the race check out Dena's review of it.

I hope everyone has a great week.

Fair 2013

Look at those happy girls :]


He was enthused to take more pictures..

She loves piggy back rides on Grandpa

Belle's face Ha

This is what happen when I try to take the picture # TallHusbandProblems ha ha