Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Back to the real world

Sorry I have been so bad at posting these last couple weeks. Life has been a bit hectic since being home. We are so grateful to be home and my hips are so happy to see a real bed again though. Belle is doing a lot better. We had the feeding tube in her these past two weeks, which was horrible. She hated it and kept pulling it out. We just got the orders today, that she is eating orally well enough and gaining enough weight so we can take it out!! That makes me so happy. She was extremely sensitive to the tape on her face and it kept giving her horrible sores that she is still healing from. Now we just have to work on getting her as many calories as possible. In some very exciting news, Belle really crawled for the first time today!!! I thought she was completely unable to coordinate her arms to work with each other, but she proved me wrong. She only crawled a couple feet at a time then stopped to do something else like downward dog but it is such a huge exciting step!!!

In pregnancy news, I am now 33 weeks. I could be having Gracelyn as soon as this coming month!! My back is killing me and the Braxton hicks are quite frequent, but the doctor said I am extremely healthy which is always good to hear. I have so much to do before she gets here. It’s a bit hard with zero energy though ha ha. Tonight is yoga with Deana. I am excited, it always makes me feel better. I just read a book called fit2fat2fit it was a really good read and it makes me excited to hopefully get in really good shape after I get the doctors go ahead . It will be harder with two babies, but all the health problems I keep seeing in my overweight relatives really puts it into perspective. It’s not just about looking good, But feeling good and being around to take care of my family for a long time.

I hope everyone is doing well. Here are a few pictures of late...
Downward dog. Yoga baby!!

Big belly


Piggy tails!! Finally enough hair!


She can stand when holding on to things!!!


  1. I am so glad that she is feeling better, your uncle and I have included her in our morning prayers and will continue to do so. Good luck with your new baby. Love u all

  2. She just gets more and more gorgeous everyday! Sean and I are so happy she is doing better. And so excited for her crawling. I can't wait for our babies to get her already and have our big playdates with hubbies and babies. haha

    1. Deana and Sean, congratulations on the new baby.

  3. Thanks Aunt Juanita!!! We miss all you guys!! Deana we will have our babies in just a few weeks I can't wait!!!

  4. Hey my sweet hearts! I always love your updates and photos. I am sorry that I couldn't be there for the "sprinkling", but I still do not have internet and your g-ma does not get on often enough. You might call or have your dad call if anything comes up. As always, all my love!
